admin  [ip]  [man]  [cmd]  [serv] [irc] [ps] [home] [mail] [mem]	[motd]
       [hdd] [di] [tree] [ssh] [daemon]	[who] [log] [www] [info] [sc]  [ports]
       [cron] [shell] [conf] [alias] [user] [gui] [help] [password] [--update]
       [--version] [--history] options


       help   Get more help about mode and list	of available options


       ip     List assigned IPv4 addresses and check reverses

       cmd    Search for executables (command) with keyword

       man    Search for man pages with	keyword

       serv   Maintain services	(check,	restart, start,	stop..)

       irc    Info about open IRC connections

       ps     Info about running programs

       home   Disk usage of home directories

       mail   Disk usage of mail inboxes

       mem    System memory usage

       motd   MOTD (/etc/motd) editor

       hdd    I/O Speed	and hdd	usage

       di     Directory	info (about file types)

       tree   Show directory tree

       ssh    Info about open ssh connections

       daemon Info about running daemons

       who    List connected users

       log    Check various system logs

       www    WWW server config	and access

       info   Some info	of current system

       sc     Sysctl settings parser

       help   List of available	modes (short help)

	      Generate random password

	      Automatic	update of this script (beta)

	      Version information

	      Full version history


       admin Script to access various FreeBSD admin tools  within  one	simple
       command.	  (start/stop  services,  check	 logs,	edit configs) Includes
       search tools for	ports, commands	and man	pages.


       To change shell of user joe to bash

	    admin shell	joe bash

       To check	last 15	lines of www access log

	    admin www access 15

       To check	memory usage of	top 5 memory using processes

	    admin ps mem 5

       Find available ports that has "irssi" in	name

	    admin ports	find irssi

       Find all	programs/commands with "irs" in	name

	    admin cmd irs

       To get help for sysctl parsing (sc)

	    admin sc help

			   v1.0	of 9 September 2014		      admin(1)

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